
Sobre a AMARO
Na AMARO, acreditamos nas pessoas. Apoiamos a diversidade, inclusão e justiça social e temos programas direcionados para que esses pilares estejam refletidos em nossos times. Acompanhamos de perto cada membro do #AMAROteam, com conversas semanais 1:1, aplicando PDI (Plano de Desenvolvimento Individual), realizando avaliações de performance semestralmente e dando novas oportunidades conforme crescemos. Criamos a Matriz de Competências de Engenharia, onde conseguimos mostrar o momento em que cada um dos desenvolvedores.

What You’ll Do
• Support and lead the Analytics team (recruitment, development, engagement)
• Set all required reports for analysis, ensuring the reliability of those studies along with the ability to interpret/analyze report results.
• Be the owner of AMARO’s Data Analytics and Martech stack: Quicksight (DataViz)
• Map/define/specify all required events and KPIs to evaluate the performance of a given action among product and marketing strategic… contexts
• Help the team to build information out of large amount of data.
• Own, manage, operate and maintain Analytics platforms (Amplitude and Google Analytics mainly).
• Consistently provide analytics recommendations to the company business based on data analysis and experiments.
• Lead the implementation process of a sophisticated and exhaustive events tracking framework for AMARO ecommerce platform.
• Deeply understand our desktop and mobile platforms and how users interact with them;
• Help the customer journey squads to quickly identify the root causes of performance issues and provide them actionable recommendations on how to improve results
• Guarantee AMARO has an organized and well maintained analytics framework (views, reports, dashboards) that efficiently supports a global customer acquisition operation
• Develop analysis to improve customer retention
• Support teams with different missions to extract more helpful insights from data collection.
• Empower stakeholders in how to extract more business value of martech tools.

What You Have Previously Done
• Experience with SQL to query the database and generate analysis
• Experience with data collection and interpretation in both web and native apps
• Experience with data visualization tools like Looker, PowerBI, Tableau, QuickSight, etc
• Previous experience with Google Analytics, Amplitude, Python is a plus
• Previous experience with eCommerce and Retail is a plus
What Your Qualifications Are
• STEM Education background – Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics or related fields.
• Systems: QuickSight, SQL, Google Analytics, Python, R, Amplitude
• Level of English: Fluent / Intermediate

Who You Are & Your Beliefs
• Personality: You are smart, humble, hard-working, and collaborative.
• Determination: You are hungry to challenge the status quo and have the drive to get it done.
• Vision: You think big, craft a compelling vision, and inspire others to follow you.
• Master of multiple domains: You bridge the gap between business, technology, and people.
• Friendly but direct: Others enjoy working with you because you are optimistic and transparent.
• Lead and coach: You attract the best talent because people want to work and learn from you.
• Do the right thing: You believe the planet is our responsibility and take positions


Hey Maker! Como vai a sua busca por vagas na área de Análise de Dados? Encontrou a oportunidade que estava procurando?

Estamos de olho no mercado em tempo real e notamos que está bem movimentado, mas ainda há muitas vagas sobrando devido à falta de profissionais qualificados. 📈

Para ser um profissional de sucesso na área de Dados, é crucial dominar técnicas de coleta, processamento e interpretação de dados para tomar decisões baseadas em insights. Por isso, criamos um curso online que, sem complicações, te prepara para o mercado de Análise de Dados. 🚀

Não perca essa chance! Use o cupom #DADOS-SUCESSO para garantir 20% DE DESCONTO. Aproveite agora e clique no banner abaixo!✨